Analele Universităţii Bucureşti. Limba şi literatura română
NR 2015



  • ALEXANDRU DAN ANGHELINA - Observaţii asupra vulgarizării ştiinţifice în terminologia IT
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    Computers, smartphones and the Internet have become an important part of our daily lives. As a consequence, large number of people come into contact with strictly specialized IT terms. The first part of the paper deals with the terms variation and scientific popularization from a sociolinguistic perspective. The second part of the article focuses on describing some of the mechanisms used in scientific popularization texts that, theoretically, can help non-specialists understand the meaning of some frequently used IT terms. The discussed mechanisms are the use of paraphrases, semantic relations such as synonymy, hyponymy, and metaphors.

    Keywords: IT terminology, popularization, descriptive terminology, sociolinguistics, linguistic variation.

  • DIANA CĂRBUREAN - De la aspecte generale ale transliterării cu caractere latine a alfabetului grecesc la problematica greeklish
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    This article aims to investigate the issues raised by the transliteration of the Greek alphabet with Latin characters and to provide a distinction inside the phenomenon known as Greeklish, as generated by the needs occurred in human communication through social media and dictated by technical constraints. If in Ancient times the transliteration of the Greek alphabet was initiated by Romans (from outside) eager to understand Greek Rhetoric and Philosophy, nowadays the attempts to transliterate this alphabet belonged to the native speakers of this language (from inside), who used digital means not provided with these special characters. As technology has developed, these means are now equipped with Greek letters and the use of the Latin characters is no longer recommended and also blamed by the language purists

    Keywords: Greek Alphabet, transliteration, Latinoelliniká, Frankolevantínika, globalization, Greeklish

  • MIHAELA-VIORICA CONSTANTINESCU - „Până când ai să fii necioplit?”. Despre metafore conceptuale în sfera im/politeţii
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    Notre article propose une approche pragmatique de la relation im/politesse-métaphores conceptuelles. L’im/politesse sera analysée dans la perspective de la pragmatique historique, notre démarche favorisant la manière dont les participants aux interactions évaluent et conceptualisent l’im/politesse. Les modalités d’évaluer ou les réflexions sur l’im/politesse peuvent relever des scenarios métaphoriques à de différents degrés de conventionalité. L’analyse est fondée sur un corpus littéraire (prose, dramaturgie, mémoires, correspondance) appartenant à la génération quarante-huitarde. Les expressions métaphoriques retrouvées dans le corpus relèvent la métaphore de l’individu comme objet sur lequel on doit travailler afin de devenir apte pour la socialisation.

    Mots-clés: politesse, impolitesse, métaphore conceptuelle, réflexivité métadiscursive, réflexivité métacognitive.

  • TOMASZ KLIMKOWSKI - Aspecte ale „aspectului” istroromân în context romanic şi slav
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    The descriptions of Istroromanian usually do not distinguish between verbal aspect and prefixed verbs, due to the same morphological mechanism used in both phenomena – i.e. prefixation. However, we have to do with the actual verbal aspect only if a prefixed verb has the same meaning as its basic verb and if the only difference between them consists in the perception of verb action. Such a prefixed verb represents the perfective counterpart of a basic verb. If a basic verb is perfective itself, its imperfective counterpart is formed by infixation. Other prefixed verbs, which have a modified or different meaning than their basic verb, represent separate lexemes, with a perfective meaning, and form their imperfective counterparts by infixation. Both phenomena are present in Istroromanian as a result of Slavic (Croatian and partially Slovene) influence. They are specific not only to Slavic borrowings, but also to native verbs of Latin origin. .

    Keywords: verbal aspect, perfective, imperfective, prefixed verbs, prefixation, infixation, Istroromanian, Croation.

  • MICHÈLE MATTUSCH - Any Where Out of the World – Călătoriile în jurul camerei din vremea decadenţei
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    Die Zimmerreisen der Dekadenz stehen in einer doppelten Tradition, der Poetik der Moderne, die die romantische Fernsehnsucht von der Außenwelt nach innen umlenkt, und der Harmonisierung von Seele und Umfeld im Raum des privaten otium. Vor der Folie einer entdeckten, technisierten und touristisch erschlossenen Welt, wendet sich die Wahrnehmung der nahen Ferne zu. Aus dem bric-à-brac von Möbeln, Kunstwerken, Bibelots und exquisiten Literaturzitaten, dem ekletischen Nebeneinander des Historismus, schöpft der Sinndilettant eine gesteigerte Eigenwirklichkeit, die ihm die Erlebnisse verschafft, die ihm die Realwelt verweigert. Er schafft sich künstliche Räume, in denen er seine Seele auf Reisen schickt. Dabei gerät der mentale Flaneur in den abschüssigen Rausch seiner ziellosen Bewegung, lässt ganze Kulturen in der Gegenwart Revue passieren, treibt in innere Abgründe und an äußerste Grenzen. In der Nähe sieht er die Ferne, in der Gegenwart die Vergangenheit, im Selbst entdeckt er den Anderen, so dass sich die Sinnhorizonte seiner Welt vervielfachen. Ausgehend von Charles Baudelaire und Xavier de Maistre untersucht der Vortrag, wie die Zimmerreisen eines Karl-Joris Huysmans und eines Mateiu I. Caragiale einen Umbruch der Wahrnehmungs- und Denkmuster einleiten, die man heute gern den Medienerfahrungen einer globalisierten Welt zuschreibt, obwohl sie nichts anderes sind, als das ästhetische Erleben par excellence, das die Postmoderne bis heute fortschreibt.

    Stichworte: Komparatistik, Zimmerreise, Dekadenz, Aisthetik.

  • ANNAFRANCESCA NACCARATO - Pour une « approche de la parole ». La métaphore dans la poésie de Lorand Gaspar
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    The aim of this paper is to examine the vast range of metaphors disseminated in the first section of the collection Égée Judée by Lorand Gaspar. Starting from a theoretical approach which sees the speech figure as a linguistic device of a complex and contradictory nature and which, at the same time, takes into consideration its power to develop the iconic potential of language, we propose to show how this opens the way to profound and original meanings, relating to a specific conception of the world and of things. In the corpus which is the object of our analysis, the metaphor contributes to the employment of themes which structure Gaspar’s poetry, by realising this « approche de la parole » which transforms the writing into an unending journey through time and space.

    Keywords: space, time, matter, light, poetry, metaphor, image

  • MAGDALENA RĂDUŢĂ - Aucun lieu, nulle part ? Territoire et sentiment d’appartenance dans les romans de Marthe Bibesco
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    Le sujet de l’article porte sur les enjeux de la représentation spatiale et de ses variations socio-temporelles dans les romans de Marthe Bibesco. Mon hypothèse de travail est que le discours narratif met en lumière une territorialité composée, fluide, dont l’investissement symbolique et l’appartenance raisonnée sont mis en lumière par des personnages qui portent, presque toutes, un masque qui renvoie au visage même de leur auteure.

    Mots-clés : appartenance, roman de la sur-centralité, territoire/réseau, Marthe Bibesco

  • CAMELIA UŞURELU - Construcţii cauzative perifrastice în limba română veche: moduri şi timpuri
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    The author describes analytic causative constructions in Old Romanian: she makes an inventory of the mood and tense forms of the verbs which occur in the embedded clause, distinguishes among several types of causation (direct / indirect, strong / neuter / weak) and several degrees at which the causee subject controls the action expressed by the second verb in the structure (subjunctive, infinitive, indicative or supine). The comparison between the large number of causative verbs followed by the subjunctive and the significantly smaller number of causative verbs followed by an infinitive indicates that causative constructions were among the first syntactic structures where the infinitive was replaced by the subjunctive.

    Keywords: causative / factitive, causative operator, causer, causee, types of causation, subjunctive vs. infinitive in embedded clauses

  • GISÈLE VANHESE - Eminescu, Benjamin Fondane, Paul Celan: Yves Bonnefoy et les poètes roumains
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    Although many critics have underscored the connections between the work of Yves Bonnefoy and Italy or Greece, none have analyzed the possible of a connection – however slim – with Romania. Our essay examines the relations, often overlooked, between the French poet and certain Romanian poets, taking a cue from unpublished interviews. In the first part, we underline the existence of a spiritual and poetic community between Yves Bonnefoy, Lermontov and Mihai Eminescu. In the second part, we pinpoint the various moments in which the existential and artistic paths of Yves Bonnefoy and of Paul Celan come together, revealing an unknown interpretation on the part of the French author of Celan’s poem Mandorla. In the third part, we try to identify the hidden relations between the work of Yves Bonnefoy and that of Benjamin Fondane, particularly in Baudelaire et l’expérience du gouffre, in order to demonstrate the degree to which the French writer may be included in Fondane’s critical and philosophical posterity.

    Keywords: Yves Bonnefoy, Mihai Eminescu, Paul Celan, Benjamin Fondane, Léon Chestov, Lermontov, Poetry, Poetics, Intertextuality, Influence.

Recenzii / Comptes rendus / Reviews

  • MIHAELA MANCAȘ Lexicul afectivității și poezia românească din secolul XX, București, Editura Universității din București, 2014, 352 p. (Claudia Ene)
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  • DIANA MARIA DIACONESCU, Terminologie creștină românească în perspectivă romanică. Studiu lingvistic, Iași, Editura ARS LONGA, 2014, 236 p. (Tomasz Klimkowski)
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  • ALEXANDRA VRÂNCEANU / ANGELO PAGLIARDINI , (a cura di), Rifondare la letteratura nazionale per un publico europeo. Da un'idea di Giuseppe Mazzini, Frankfurt am Main, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warzsawa, Wien, Peter Lang, 2015, 216 p. (Laura Dumitrescu)
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  • IOLANDA STERPU, Limba română pentru străini: gramatică şi exerciţii, Iaşi, Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, 2012, 366 p. (Gabriela Biriş)
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