Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement

      The journal Analele Universităţii Bucureşti. Limba şi literatura română [Annals of the University of Bucharest. Studies in Romanian Language and Literature] adopts the hereby Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement, following the COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (Committee on Publication Ethics, 2011, 
     Authors, editors and reviewers are responsible for meeting these standards of ethics during the entire process of publication. 

Editors’ Duties and Responsabilities

      Editors are responsible for deciding which of the papers submitted to the journal will be published; editors have the authority to accept or reject a paper (if it does not meet the ethical and the academic standards of the journal, if it does not correspond to its scope and aims or if it does not respect the authors’ guidelines). 

      Editors will objectively evaluate the manuscripts; the publication decision will be based exclusively on the s academic value of the paper (the importance of the study, its originality, clarity, and relevance to the scope of the journal). 

     Editors are responsible with the management of the peer-review process. Each submitted article is reviewed by two referees, within the „double blind peer-review” process, ensuring the authors’ as well as the referees’ anonymity. If necessary, the paper will be evaluated by a third reviewer, for ensuring a differentiating review of the material. According to the peer-review results, the editor-in-chief will decide on the acceptance/rejection of the paper. 

     Editors will verify the integrity of the published papers, encouraging the correction and the retraction of any inaccurate information. 

     Editors will treat the submitted manuscript as a confidential document; any information from the material can be disclosed only to a limited number of authorized persons (reviewers, members of the editorial board or of the editorial scientific committee). The submitted materials will not be used by the editors or the members of the editorial board for their own research purposes without the author’s explicit written consent. 

     Editors must publish explicit guidelines for the authors regarding the journal policies, scope and aims, the editing norms of the publication; they will constantly and periodically review the journal policies and the guidelines. 

     Editors are responsible with the constant improving of the journal academic standards, by validating the quality of the published papers. 

Reviewers’ Duties and Responsabilities

     Reviewers are responsible for the evaluation of the submitted papers, assisting the editors in making editorial decisions; the reviewers must also serve the authors in improving the papers, by an objective evaluation of the manuscript. If necessary, reviewers point out to the authors relevant published work referred in the paper, but not cited in the reference section, or relevant published works that were have not been used in the paper. 

     All the reviewers be objectively conducted; the critical notes or standpoints will be clearly expressed, with supporting arguments; any personal criticism or comment of the author is inappropriate and will not be permitted. 

     Referees will not evaluate manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive or collaborative relationships or connections with any of the authors or institutions associated with the papers; if necessary, the referees withdraw from the reviewing process. Any selected referee reviewer who feels unqualified to review the research reported in a manuscript or knows that its prompt review will not be possible should will notify the editors and withdraw from the review process. 

     All manuscripts received for review must be treated as confidential documents. It must not be disclosed to or discussed with others except as authorized by the editors; any information whatsoever obtained by peer review (from the accepted or rejected submitted papers) must not be used for personal advantage, without the authors’ consent. 

     The reviewers will notify the editors of any identified fraud or malpractice suspicion (substantial similarity or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and any other published paper of which they have personal knowledge). 

Authors’ Duties and Responsabilities

     Authors must confirm that the submitted paper is not under evaluation or accepted for publication in any other journal; multiple publication or submitting the same paper to more than one journal constitutes an unethical and unacceptable infringement of the publishing code of conduct. 

     Authors are responsible for the originality and integrity of the submitted paper; all authors must include a statement of originality for the submitted manuscript; authorship must be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception of the reported study. 

     Authors will appropriately cite and quote any information from other sources and, if necessary, they must obtain permission to reproduce any information belonging to another work/author. Any source must be entirely referred, including pictures/graphics etc. Susceptible cases of fraud or malpractice such as: re-publication of previous analysed data without mentioning the source, plagiarism, publication without authors’ consent etc., will be analysed by the referees and/or the members of the scientific editorial board; if any of the above mentioned unethical behaviour is proved, the paper will be rejected. 

     Authors are responsible for the scientific information of the paper. When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, it is the author’s obligation to promptly notify the journal editor or publisher and to cooperate with the editors to retract or correct the paper. Editors are not responsible for any remaining errors, if the authors do not operate the necessary correction before the publication. Editors are not responsible for the scientific information of the published papers. 

     Once the paper is accepted for publication, all the copyrights will belong to the journal and to the publishing house. The use of the published material will be permitted under a CC BY-NC license [], which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, acknowledging the original authorship. 


      Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (2011, March 7), Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. Retrieved from