Annals of the University of Bucharest, Studies of Romanian Language and Literature
No 2013

Copertă | Cuprins


  • IULIA BARBU - Verba dicendi which designate the intensity of voice, in Latin and Romanian
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    In this paper, we analyze a group of verbs of saying which designate the intensity of voice, making a comparison between Latin and Romanian. We are interested in the way the two languages organize this lexical-semantic subclass. In Latin, the subclass analyzed is larger than in Romanian, due to composition with pre-verbs, particles attached to verbs in order to express different nuances of the original meaning or to enforce the primary verbs. The process of developing metaphorical meanings for expressing the idea of ‘saying in low/high intensity’ are quite similar in Latin and Romanian. A source of verbs that permit this transfer of meaning are verbs referring to animal sound. This contributes to the expressivity of the subclass.

    Keywords: verba dicendi; intensity of voice; low intensity; high intensity; figurative development of meaning.

  • FRANCO BERTACCINI, MARIANNA TADOLINI - Banking terminology. Creation of a terminology database italian-german
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    The changes which the banking sector has gone through in the last few years, both on a national and international level have increased the importance of a close collaboration between banking institutions and linguists. The aim of this paper is to describe the process of creating a bilingual Italian and German terminology database focused on the banking domain, which could serve as a useful tool to translators’ work. The project started with a field research with the aim of determining the actual need for terminological research in this sector. This work comprised of several stages, namely the documentation phase, the creation of reference corpora, the ad hoc extraction of the terms from the corpora, as well as the terminology systematization in concept systems, and finally the creation of the database using SDL MultiTerm.

    Keywords: database, banks, corpora, systematization, banking operations, terminology entries

  • LILIANA HOINĂRESCU - The Text and the Image as Autographic Signs
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    The article aims to investigate the pragmatic dimension of an artwork, starting from the interferences between text and the image established by the artist himself. We chose to comment on a famous painting by van Gogh, Vincent’s Bedroom in Arles, and the letter in which the artist describes the painting to his brother. This dual representation can be considered as a special case of ekphrasis in which the verbal expression precedes the iconic expression.

    The interpretive approach is based on textual and visual semiotics concepts, attempting to pinpoint the extent to which the intentions of the artist, the objective component of the painting (painting technique, chromaticity) and the subjective perception of the public (cultural and emotional transcoding) combine to set the general meaning of the artwork.

    Keywords: textual and visual semiotics, intentionality, reception, verbal sign, iconic/visual sign, referent, self-representation

  • JEONG HWAN KIM - Little lamb (Mioriţa) and Arirang as cultural archetypes and cultural self- recognition
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    If the folk song Arirang is inherent in Koreans’ sentiment, the ballad Little Lamb (Mioriţa) flows into the deep inner side of Romanian people. The ballad Little Lamb and folk song Arirang are stamped on the world of spirit of both nations, Romanian and Korean, as a basic nucleus, and these are the true natures which form the mode of mental life in the unconscious mind. Both verses arrive from the real life to the spirituality of transcendence, and connected organically with the problems of daily life, identity and existence. Arirang, which crosses the 'hill', and Little Lamb, which comes down the 'plateau' slowly, have the double-sidedness of transcendence which is rising and descending. Therefore, the secularization and the sacralization, the sacred and the profane coexist harmoniously in both verses. According to Eliade's expression, the Little Lamb and Arirang are the manifestation of sanctity for us, in other words, the true nature of hierophany. So they will be the sign through which is revealed the myth-folk recognition of space and time also in the contemporary age, at the same time passing down a cultural heritage. Based on the common consciousness and factors 'Han (the basic element centered in Koreans’ emotion)' and 'Dor (in Romanians)', the comparative study of the death, the consciousness of 'Mother Nature', the problems of completion and transformational creation, the similarities, the distinctions, the folk-influence into the written literature etc. will be a very interesting discussion, and moreover it will suggest a standard and value of comparative cultural research. Eventually, the comparative study of cultural heritage and true nature of both nations, the Little Lamb (Mioriţa) and Arirang, will be a meaningful comparison and analyze of the basic cultural elements, being significant in regard to the reconsideration of this field.

    Keywords: Little Lamb (Mioriţa), Arirang, folk song, ballad, cultural archetype, cultural self-recognition

  • DANILO DE SALAZAR - Imagery and symbolic figures of the wind in Echinoxul nebunilor şi alte povestiri by Anatol E. Baconsky
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    The main theme of Echinoxul nebunilor şi alte povestiri by Anatol E Baconsky is the mystery of human existence in relation with the cosmos and the universal law of cyclicity. The wind is not only the symbol of this mystery, but it is also the carrier of a transcendent and elusive message. The complicated narrative scheme created by the author invites us to a deep investigation of the inner textual connections among the stories that make up the book. Starting from Gaston Bachelard’s studies on literary imagery, we propose an analysis of the aeolian symbolic configuration, considering its importance within Baconsky’s literary discourse. Our analysis moves from two different and interrelated points of view: the symbolic and the rhetorical ones, with a particular attention to the tropes. As Michele Prandi suggests, to understand the real value of a creative trope we have to consider its contingent and reversible meaning within a specific context, and the indicative perspective of our interpretation. We also offer some example of this hermeneutic process, proposing a short analysis of three figures from Baconsky’work, synesthesia, metaphor and simile, in order to show how a new linguistic configuration can suggest a redefinition of reality.

    Keywords: rêverie, mystery, symbol, imagery, rhetoric, trope

  • ANGELA TARANTINO - The look and the body
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    Floarea Ţuţuianu è una voce per alcuni versi dissonante della poesia rumena contemporanea. Nei suoi testi, la voce narrante, ora ironica, ora malinconica, rimane quella di una donna che fa i conti con la propria sessualità in una sorta di conflitto irresolubile con un altro da sé, che non necessariamente coincide con un diverso per genere, questo a volte può identificarsi con il lato oscuro di un’altra sé, oppure con l’immagine della donna che un tempo abitava il suo corpo. Il corpo, infatti, è il tema dominante della poesia di Ţuţuianu, corpo fisico di donna, ma anche corpo del libro, corpo della poesia, la quale in alcuni casi si trasforma in una vera e propria antagonista, non più oggetto ma soggetto che esprime la propria forza di resistenza al tentativo di coercizione esercitato dalla poetessa-faber.

    Parole-chiave: Floarea Ţuţuianu; poesia rumena contemporanea; poesia femminile; corpo della poesia, pittura e poesia

  • ANA MARIA TEODORESCU - The strategies of the moderator in talk-show as discursive practice. Principles, applications
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    The current paper has as main goal to demonstrate that in talk-show as a discursive practice, namely an ongoing process of producing, transmitting and putting on air messages, the important strategy adopted and adapted by the producer is the one that moderator had in the trilogue. The research has compared the principles of setting the access to the scenario and the real tactics coordinated in the roles and relationships between the moderator and the guests in an efficient contact of communication.

    Keywords: strategies in moderator verbal performances, talk-show as discursive practice, roles in principles and applications, trilogue

  • ALICE TOMA - Cleft constructions in Romanian
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    Studying cleft constructions (CS) in Romanian proves to be a challenge opening the way for research in at least two different directions: a descriptive direction, which puts forth a list of Romanian data, and an explanatory direction, which proposes a comparison between Romanian and French data.

    After a brief state of the art of the question of cleft constructions and the presentation of the corpus, this article proposes the analysis of three key aspects of

    CSs: the relative element associated with the cleft construction in Romanian; the syntactic functions of the cleft element and the syntactic structure of CS.

    The Romanian-French contrastive study emphasizes the procedural richness of Romanian, which multiplies the syntactic grids of CSs, even if their frequency is rather poor.

    Keywords: cleft constructions (CS), cleft element, focus element, syntactic function, syntactic structure

  • GISÈLE VANHESE - Lorand Gaspar’s poetry between snow and silence
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    This essay works within the methodology of myth criticism in order to analyze the literary treatment of snow in the poetry of Lorand Gaspar. In opposition to the Mediterranean climate, celebrated in numerous collections of his poetry, certain poems of his native Transylvania, which is evoked in memory, inscribe a symbolic constellation uniting snow, silence, and childhood. The analysis then centers on the archetypal association of blood and snow present in numerous texts, at times in a euphemized manner. Finally, we demonstrate that beneath the « writing in chalk » a writing in « white » words hiddenly refers to snow in order to reintroduce the memory of his native land into the heart of the poetry.

    Keywords: snow; poetry; silence; childhood; memory; blood; initiatory quest


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  • ANGELA BIDU VRĂNCEANU (coord.), Terminologie și terminologii II, Editura Universității din București, București, 2012, 247 p. (Alexandru Dan Anghelina)
  • GIANINA IORDĂCHIOAIA, Negative Concord with Negative Quantifiers. A Polyadic Quantifier Approach to Romanian Negative Concord, teză de doctorat, Universitatea din Tübingen, 2010, 288 p. (Mihaela Ionescu)
  • ALEXANDRA VRÂNCEANU PAGLIARDINI, Meridiani della migrazione nella letteratura romena da Ureche a Cioran, Bucureşti, Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2012, 311 p.(Danilo De Salazar)
  • Situated Politeness, Edited by Bethan L. Davies, Michael Haugh and Andrew John Merrison, London, New Delhi, Bloomsbury, 2011, 286 pages. (Raluca Levonian)